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Tristin Godsey
Photography, United States Oregon Roseburg
727 SE Cass Street #321
Tel: 541 863-7869
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Commercial work
Brief Summary
I am fascinated by faces, particularly eyes. I have always felt that if you manage to catch a person at the right moment you can capture the entirety of who and what they are in that instant of time. It lets you convey emotions and depths of feelings at a visceral level that could never be expressed as well in any other way. Photography allows us to see inside of ourselves, there is nothing more powerful than that. I am a commercial photographer on staff at an advertising agency, and therefore take many types of photos for varied clients. But I am always looking for that one moment that tells the story in a way that nothing else could.
Apex Block
Umpqua Oats
Eco Evolution
Seven Feathers Casino Resort
Jade River
DR Johnson
Henry Estates
Pyrenees Vineyard and Winery
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians

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