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Courtney Kuhlman
Graphic Design, United States California San Francisco
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Brief Summary
Courtney Kuhlman is graphic designer living in San Francisco, California.


Enter a futuristic universe of pioneering, techie princess, Courtney Kuhlman.
Armed with nothing but a battle rifle (circa her Halo 2 glory days) and a domination
of Adobe Creative Suite, this designer has carved out her own digital reality.

Aside from the Sci-Fi works of Orson Scott Card or Michael Chrichton, few things
slow down the turbo mind of said hero, CK. She’ll also press pause to pet a cat.

Zigzag through her Coca-Cola fueled world and behold the intricacies and ideas
that have shaped her role as gadget girl, gaming girl and graphic girl. Revel in
her adventures and guide her to the next level.

Courtney Kuhlman is more than ready to advance. She’s just wired that way. 
Awards and Recognition
I prefer to call them achievements...

Won an Silver Atlanta Addy for Editorial Design of a coffee table book about a bearded club for men called Whiskerino.

Won numerous awards (Normies) at The Creative Circus from Gold to Merit, including Best of Design and Best of Show.

Can take anyone on anywhere in any first-person shooter. Especially Halo 2, Gears of War 1 & 2, all of the Call of Duty’s, and Rainbow 6, 3.

Was in numerous all girl clans for Halo 2 and Halo 3, but ran the Lady Legendz and Lethal Beauties clans, also won many game battles online tournaments.

Was once the coach for a professional video game team, but left that behind to pursue my career in Design. 

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