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Ady Van De Plas
Illustration, Netherlands
Tel: 0031 655848251
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Brief Summary
“I have always liked images that hold your gaze. Each time you use them you see different aspects. I think the trick is finding imagery that can be linked in some way. I suppose the connection I make between all my images comes naturally”
* quote taken from interview Creative Arts Magazine

My first steps into the world of Digital Art were taken when I was a Restaurant Manager in London. I took it upon myself to design the menus and was immediately hooked by the possibilities that computer creativity offered me.
That was over ten years ago, and now I have worked around the world, although he has concentrated on London and Amsterdam where I live with my girlfriend and three year old son (who is also showing the same artistic flair as his daddy).
So far I have worked for a variety of magazines – including Creative Review- and design houses.

As I am a completely self-taught artist, I get my ideas from anything and everything that I sees around me. “I like lots of stuff from different artists, such as flyers, sticker art, and 1960’s pop art”. Things I see around on the street too: I find that most inspiring.
Computer Arts, Mac Arts & Design, Sunday Times, Holland Herald KLM Magazine, Management Team, Starstyle, Quote, Daily Telegraph, The Economist, Risk Management, EXE Magazine, Avanta, Psychology, Indelible Films, PC Dealer, Jansen & Holland Design, Scripta Media, Vlucht Magazine, De Groene Amsterdammer, Design Weekly.

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