Ioana Menendez
Photography, Argentina
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Brief Summary
Ioana Menendez Photographer Buenos Aires M 54- 911 - 45 33 16 70 e-mail [email protected] Born in New Zealand in 1965. Educated in Argentina and Switzerland. Attended different art schools and became a fashion designer.Won in 1988 The First Young Art Biennial (BA) as a fashion designer and 2 years later as a photographer. While working in fashion and movie production she studied photography during those four years in Buenos Aires and also attended Arnold Newman's portraiture courses at the Palm Beach workshops during summer time. Newman is one of Ioana's most memorable teachers. Since then Ioana has been working with a wide variety of clients. After years of experience, Ioana knows that it is best for the client and her to work as a team. She puts together all the links of the chain of : photographer, designer, art director, and producer to have the assignment done on time, creatively and at a reasonable price.

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