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Steve Zelle
Branding, Canada Ontario Ottawa
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Brief Summary
idApostle is an Ottawa-based graphic design studio specializing in branding. Services include brand strategy, brand naming, brand positioning, and brand engagement. I partner with people who are—or want to become—passionate about what their company is doing. I am always keen to meet startups, or established companies looking to better define why they matter through branding. My clients are varied but all share a belief that design can improve their business.

I would love the opportunity to hear about your business, its obstacles, and your goals. We can arrange a time to swap questions either by phone, Skype or email. My clients are located around the globe, but if you happen to be in the Ottawa area, we can set a time to meet up.
Professional Experience
Lives in: Ottawa, Canada (wants to live in Tahiti)

Works with: Clients all over including Canada, United States, Spain and India

Experience: Graphic designer & entrepreneur: 20 yrs.; bag boy: 1 yr.; landscaper: 1 day

Awards and industry nods: A few

Likes: Simplicity

Dislikes: Designing without a purpose

Looking for: People that are passionate about what they do

Believes: Branding must be driven by strategy

Hobbies: Processed Identity, writing, Lego (with my daughter)

Writes for: My sites (idApostle, Processed Identity) as well as a few publications and websites. This is something I never thought I would be doing.

Why the name idApostle?: I am a fervent believer/apostle in the value of branding/identity
Awards and Recognition
My design work has been selected to appear in:

Damn Good: Top Designers Discuss Their All-Time Favorite Projects
Design Elements Typography Fundamentals
Design DNA: Logos
Signs, Symbols and Pictograms
Mastering Type: The Essential Guide to Typography for Print and Web Design
International Trade Marks and Logos 4
Letterhead and Logo Design 9
LogoNest 01
LogoLounge Shapes and Symbols
LogoLounge Type and Calligraphy
LogoLounge Volume 6
Advertising and Design Association of Ottawa
Summit Creative Awards
Web Design Basics: Ideas & Inspiration for Working with Type, Color, & Navigation
Web Site Graphics: Flash Animation & DHTML: The Best Works on the Web

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